Understanding The Basic Of Spray Paint Art

7 years ago

Add a splash of color to your project with interesting spray paint art. There are vivid colors available and can be bought at any local hardware store or online. Though, it is not an easy exercise, spray paint needs practice and passion. But once you master the art there is nothing stopping you. Remember that spray paint is not drawing and all you need is good motor skills to create a dynamic image. The sprays are oil paint and hence use protective gears before starting to paint. Some useful tips to make spray paint project interesting are listed below:

Fundamentals of spray paint
Clean the surface thoroughly before starting to paint. The surface has to be free from dust, debris and rust. Ensure the surface is free from imperfections, dents and bumps. You can use sandpaper to smoothen the surface and then a lint free cloth to get rid of all the dust. Use a can of spray that is at room temperature. Shake well before use so that the paint mixes thoroughly. Do not shake the can for long. Now press the tip of the can a few inches away focusing on the painting surface. Aim the can to a side in a fluid motion and drag it horizontally over the surface, then let go of the tip once you reach the opposite side. The entire arm of yours should be in motion with the can and not just the wrist portion. The spray has to be out of the can before touching the surface, similarly the stop subsequently passing it.

If the surface is expansive you may need multiple passes. In this case overlap every pass. Use light coats making sure to dry them in between each coat. This gives a better appeal than giving a single heavy coat. It may be noted that each paint has its own drying time, therefore read the direction at the rear of the paint can before starting to paint. While applying multiple coats it is important to be patient. For best results three coats may be needs and it gives a professional appeal.

Once the painting is done, the can has to be placed upside down. The tips of the can need to be pressed till the spray is cleared from the nozzle. This will ensure the paint inside the can does not dry.

Tips to paint small items
When the surface is small, it is best to use a paint boot to restrict the spread of spray. The booth can be temporary making use of a cardboard box to enclose it. The object can be set on turntable with spinning option so that you can paint from different angles without touching it.

Spray Gun
For spray job of large magnitude it is advised to option for spray gun. Here instead of compressed gas loaded in the can, the spray gun makes use of air from the compressor to absorb the paint from the basin blowing it from the nozzle. A spray gun is used to emit fine spray particles.

Spray paint may be toxic in nature and low cost dust masks do not provide adequate protection. Spray paint only in the open as the fumes may be toxic causing respiratory disorders. In a well ventilated area there will not be any risk of fumes building up. There are respirators available with replaceable filters and is sufficient to complete multiple paint projects. This way you can save money as it is cheaper and free from health hazards.

Reusing old cans
Sometimes old cans will not spray if left unused for long. In such cases it is advised to soak the nozzle in some kind of solvent overnight. The solvent will dissolve the paint allow the spray to function smoothly. You can also put the pain in a basin of hot water but ensure it is not boiling hot. This will loosen the viscosity allowing free flow of the piant.

Before starting with spray paint, it is important to practice on a blank surface. Start with some geometric figure and repeat it again and again to get a hang of the paint process. Once you feel confident you can work on images. There are video tutorials that teach you how to start with spray painting without any distortion. Go through the videos and master you skills.

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